Sandes in a Van
By Isabella Kidd
Each time I have the privilege of selling a property, there is one guarantee - no two experiences will be the same. I am invited into homes and become a part of the most incredible stories. Some uplifting, some tragic and some seamless and uneventful.
I learn so much from the people we work with and earlier this year I had the absolute joy of selling the Sandes family home. I had been speaking with Steve and Kayla about selling for six months and the timing was never quite right for them. Then one Autumn Day, Steve called me and said – “Sheree, let’s do this”.
Rather than their original plan of selling to move to a bigger block, Steve and Kayla had decided now was the perfect time to pack up their family and do a lap around Australia! Without further ado, the For Sale Sign went up, the van was ordered, and I witnessed the most valuable lessons in teamwork and positive energy from the entire family of five as ‘The Plan’ unfolded.
It is now our Next Move Team ritual to check in on the latest Sandes in a Van adventures on their Instagram page @livinit_lappinoz
Before they hit the road, we asked Steve and Kayla a few questions around their plans so you can get to know them too.
I hope you take a little sunshine form their experiences too.
XO Sheree

Tell us a little about your family?
We are a family of 5 originally from Central Coast who moved to the Hunter in 2010. We now call it home. We have a daughter (6) and sons (15 months & 2.5yrs). We have always loved camping and having fun. We enjoy showing our kids that life should be full of love and happiness, and that everything happens for a reason.

What was your motivation to start travelling?
It has always been a dream to travel Australia, but not knowing when or if we could do it at all. One afternoon we sat talking about what we have planned, feeling grateful for what we have but still feeling lost. I had just lost 2 very strong influences in my life - my Aunty and my grandfather - realising how special life is and how little time we have. Steve was just feeling flat with work and needed a reset, a break from the ‘normal life’.
So, we said “let’s do it, let’s just go”. That was in May, our house was sold in 4 days thanks to the Next Move Team, and we had moved out before the end July. We sold some of our things and cars, motor bikes etc. We bought our caravan and started planning a life in our van.
Yes, things moved fast, but smoothly which helped us to keep on track and not look back. Yes, it was scary, and I surely showed my nerves with every part of the process and still do. We are moving forward and now only couple months out from starting our big lap. We are ready, excited, and grateful to have the opportunity to embark on the life changing adventure. Will you have a set itinerary? We have some sort of a plan; well, I would say we know what direction we are going! We don’t plan to book much - just wake up and say, ‘where to now?!!’ I am a massive planner in life, always have been. This trip is going to test my ability to go with the flow and let go. ‘What will be will be’. That’s what I want to get out of this adventure, to slow down, to reflect and grow as person and as a family.
Do you have a favourite destination planned for your trip?
We cannot wait to explore the entire West Coast. We have plans for every state, but we plan to really slow our travels down once we cross the Nullarbor. Steve has eyes for Exmouth WA.
Any tips/tricks you would like to pass on to other families who are considering travelling with kids?
We just had our first trip in the van up to St George Qld. I packed very light, or what I thought was light and still the kids didn’t touch half of their toys or books and didn’t wear most of their clothes that I packed. So, pack less, truly they don’t need it.
One tip would be to pack snacks, lots of snacks! My kids eat all day when they are in the car or out exploring. Having enough snacks packed for long car journeys is a must! And of course, a little night cap 🥃 for Mum and Dad after our big days. Lol.

Mantra for the trip
When asked "what's the biggest mistake we make in life?" The Buddha replied, "The biggest mistake is you think you have time’’.
Time is free, but it's priceless, you can't own it, but you can use it, you can't keep it, but you can spend it, and once it's lost, you can never get it back".

To follow the adventures, click the link to their Instagram page!